Closing Film: In Fabric

Fashion Freak

In the presence of Peter Strickland and Andrew Starke

Peter Strickland, 2018, United Kingdom
HD, color, English (sub. French), 118'

Playing with genre cinema while inventing a completely personal world, never conceding to the call of commercial norms but without cloistering himself in a form of artistic autism. Such are the stakes of Peter Strickland’s cinema (“Katalin Varga”, “Berberian Sound Studio” and “The Duke of Burgundy”) which gives us now what he calls his ghost movies,Taking place in a high-class department store during the winter sales, “In Fabric” centers around a bewitching red dress and the consequences on those who desire it. Stylish and disconcerting, this inimitable new creation by goldsmith Peter Strickland could haunt you for a while.
